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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 1996, Vol. 13 Issue (2) :7-15    DOI:
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Measurement of Bubble Behaviour in a DownwardJet Loop Reactor Using CCD Photographic Method
Zhou Jie;Zhou Liwei;Cui Yulin;Zhou Aiyue

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Abstract The dynamic high-speed CCD photographic measurement system has been developed, which covered the techniques of high-speed vision analysis system and computer disposal system of digital images. The behaviour of bubbles in annular regions of the two-phase three-dimension downward-jet loop reactor has been measured under various geometrical characteristics and working conditions. The results show that it is a rapid method to measure precisely the bubble parameters and can also be a standard of other bubble measurement methods in which probes are placed in the reactor.
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Keywordss: CCD pholographic techniques photograph analysis bubble behaviour measurement     
Received 1996-04-15;
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Zhou Jie;Zhou Liwei;Cui Yulin;Zhou Aiyue.Measurement of Bubble Behaviour in a DownwardJet Loop Reactor Using CCD Photographic Method[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 1996,V13(2): 7-15
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