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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 1998, Vol. 15 Issue (2) :29-37    DOI:
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Separation of Dilute Organic AqueousSolutions by Pervaporation
Ding Yuhuei Liu He Liu Honggao Liu Jiaqi

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Abstract ollowing the brief introduction of the present state of pervaporation,in this paper,the new progress of separation of dilute organic aqueous solutions by pervaporation was reviewed emphatically,and the development and studies of the organophilic or hydrophobic membranes and the analyses of the effect of the process parameters on flux and selectivity were summarized systemtically.At last,the application prospects of organic pervaporation process were discussed.
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Keywordspervaporation organophilic or hydrophobic membranes membrane performance     
Received 1998-04-15;
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Ding Yuhuei Liu He Liu Honggao Liu Jiaqi.Separation of Dilute Organic AqueousSolutions by Pervaporation[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 1998,V15(2): 29-37
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