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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 1999, Vol. 16 Issue (3) :7-12    DOI:
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Liquid Circulation Velocity in Internal Loop Airlift Reactor with a ConvergenceDivergence Draft Tube
Wei ChaohaiXie BoWu ChaofeiXiao HongliangTan Yingke

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Abstract Liquid circulation velocity of an internal loop airlift reactor was studied.The bioreactor consists of one conventional draft tube and three convergencedivergence draft tubes.Experiments were performed with airwater and airCMC solution twophase system and airwaterresin particle threephase system.It was shown that liquid circulation velocity increases with the increasing of gas velocity.At the same superficial gas velocity,liquid circulation rate for airlift loop reactor with different convergencedivergence draft tubes is obviously lower than that for airlift loop reactor with a conventional draft tube.Liquid circulation velocity decreases with the increasing of CMC solution viscosity in airCMC solution twophase system and with the increasing of resin particle loading in airwaterresin particle threephase system.Based on an energy balance over the loop,a mathematical model was derived to estimate liquid circulation velocity in the riser and in the downcomer for airwater twophase system.The value pre
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Keywordsinternal loop bioreactor   convergencedivergence draft tube   liquid circulation velocity dicted by the mathematical model agrees with that of experiment well.     
Received 1999-07-15;
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Wei ChaohaiXie BoWu ChaofeiXiao HongliangTan Yingke .Liquid Circulation Velocity in Internal Loop Airlift Reactor with a ConvergenceDivergence Draft Tube[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 1999,V16(3): 7-12
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