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1999 Vol.16 Issue.4,Published 1999-10-15

3 The Characteristics of the Diffusion and Partitioning of Proteins in Polyacrylamide Gels
Xu JiankuanZhou ZhimingHe MingxiaHe Zhimin
The effective diffusion coefficient and partition coefficient of five proteins(LysozymeLactoglobulinovalbuminbovine serum albumin and Globulin)in polyacrylamide gels were measured with the method of proteins in gels diffusing into buffer solution.The effects of mass concentrations of monomer,crosslink ratio and the size of protein were studied individually.The present results indicated that the diffusion and partitioning behavior of protein molecules could not be explained by Ogston's theory.
1999 Vol. 16 (4): 3-8 [Abstract] ( 1943 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 7 )
9 Development and Study of a New Pattern LoopTube Jet Dryer
Wang CunwenHuang JianhuaOuyang MeilingFangJide
The newpattern,highefficient and energysaving looptube jet dryer was introduced in this paper.Distribution of the gas in three nozzlespressure drop of looptube dryer and the gas circulation ratio were measured at different gas volume rates.Besides,the moving status of the solid particles in looptube dryer was observed.It can be considered that the matching of two main adjustable operation parameters,the gas volume rate and the feedin solid,is the essential demand for the normal operation of the dryer.
1999 Vol. 16 (4): 9-12 [Abstract] ( 2054 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 7 )
13 Investigation of NEMCA Effect in the Li2OMnO2AgYSZ Catalytic Membrane Reactor
Ma ZhonglongLuan BaolinChen Hongfang
NEMCA effect of OCM was investigated on the Li2OMnO2AgYSZ catalytic membrane in the oxygenpumping reactor.The influence of the steadystate current and reaction temperature on NEMCA effect was investigated,so did the CH4 content in the reaction gas and reaction temperature on the exchange current density when NEMCA took place.The relation of the exchange current density and the active over potential in the transport system was compared to that in the joint system.The results show that the exchange current density in the threephaseboundary is decreased by increasing the content of CH4 in the reaction gas,decreasing reaction temperature and adding small amount oxygen into the reaction gas.Low exchange current density is favorable to the generation of NEMCA effect.
1999 Vol. 16 (4): 13-17 [Abstract] ( 1661 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 7 )
18 Effect of Gas Residence Time on Coal Mild Gasification
Zhu TingyuFang YitianHuang JiejieMao ZigangWang Yang
The mild gasification of Shenmu coal is investigated in an experimental fluidized bed reactor.At the atmospheric pressure and 750 the total volatile yield of products increases with the gas residence time()in the range of 85s34s.When is 85s,the tar yield has a maximum of 454% then the tar yield decreased to 1% when the gas residence time is 182s.We also found that the increase of yields of gaseous products and the decrease of tar is ralated to the volitile matter of char.On the basis of above results,we can utilize reasonably distribute the organic parts of coal by means of adjusting carrier gas flow and controlling gas residence time .
1999 Vol. 16 (4): 18-22 [Abstract] ( 1693 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 6 )
23 Polyolefine Surface Oxidation
Wang BoMa Hongzhu
The surface oxdation of polyolefine by KMnO4/H2SO4,K2Cr2O7/H2SO4 or (NH4)2S2O8 solution or catalysts FeCl3 or CuSO4 has been studied.The structure of the product was characterized by IR and XPS spectra and melting point test.It is found that the preferred reaction condition is about 4560 and 45min. C content in the oxidation systems of polyethylene decreased from that of 80804% to 31907%,69 905% and 78669% by the catalysts of KMnO4/H2SO4/FeCl3/CuSO4, K2Cr2O7/H2SO4/FeCl3 and K2Cr2O7/H2SO4/CuSO4 respectively.The Cl content in all the oxidized sample increased by FeCl3 catalysis,This revealed that the chloration maybe took place. For K2Cr2O7/H2SO4/FeCl3 oxidation system the O content in the oxidized sample increased much more.
1999 Vol. 16 (4): 23-29 [Abstract] ( 1828 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 7 )
30 A Match Colors System Based on BP Model
Liu FangGong Min
This paper introduces a system which based on BP model of artificial neural network.This system is a matchcolors one for produce painting,The focal points of this paper are the structure of the system,how the system works and what results the system obtained.
1999 Vol. 16 (4): 30-33 [Abstract] ( 1764 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 8 )
34 Technical Revamping of the BHT Distillation System
Xu ChangchunWang QiangPang Jinming
Considering the characteristics of 2,6ditertbutylpcresol(BHT),using CY metal structure packing,revamped sieve tray towers in the 2,6ditertbutylpcresol distillation system.After revamping,the concentration 2,6ditertbutylpcresol of product995(mass fraction),the crystallization point687,The designed production was approachable.
1999 Vol. 16 (4): 34-37 [Abstract] ( 1671 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 9 )
38 Aromatization of Propane over ZSM5 Zeolite Catalysts
Lu XiaoxiaXin Feng Li Shaofen
This paper discusses mainly on the preparation and aromatization characteristics of Zn,Ga promoted ZSM5 zeolite catalysts and the reaction pathway of propane aromatization over HZSM5,as well as the influence of Zn,Ga to the reaction pathway.Some factors that influence the selectivity of aromatics are also analyzed.
1999 Vol. 16 (4): 38-44 [Abstract] ( 1671 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 8 )
45 Synthesis and Application of 2Methylpiperazine
Zhou LishanFeng YaqingGuo BingHong Xuechuan
The physical and chemical properties of 2methylpiperazine are introduced.Several synthetic methods from the different raw materials including 2methylpiperazine derivatives,longchain compounds and small molecular compounds are discussed in detail.The applications of 2methylpiperazine in perfume,medicine,fuels,plastics,coatings are also reviewed.
1999 Vol. 16 (4): 45-48 [Abstract] ( 2374 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 10 )
49 Indirect Spectrophotometry of Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride
Yang Ming
Hydroxylamine hydrochloride was determined by indirect spectrophotometric method in the presence of Fe()phenanthroline complex.The reaction ratio between hydroxylamine hydrochloride and Fe()phenanthroline was evaluated.The method proposed is rapid and satisfactory.
1999 Vol. 16 (4): 49-51 [Abstract] ( 1896 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 9 )
52 Solubility of oPhthalic, mphthalic acid and pPhthalic acid in water
Zhu LiangWang Lisheng
The solubility of ophthalic acid(oPTA),mphthalic acid (mPTA) and pphthalic acid(pPTA) in water was measured using an equilibrium cell at temperature from 298 K to 393 K.The UNIFAC activity coefficient model was applied to correlate the solidliquid equilibrium data.The interaction parameter of the UNIFAC model has been recorrelated to improve the correlation accuracy.The relative deviations of the calculated solubility to the experimental data are 131%,234% and 190% for mPTA,oPTA and pPTA respectively.
1999 Vol. 16 (4): 52-54 [Abstract] ( 1878 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 9 )
55 Study on the Refining Method of Triacetoneamine
Song Chuanjun Wang Duolu Huang Hongmei-*4Xu Zhengshuang Zhang xiaoru Tu Wen
The effects of triacetoneamine concentration on hydrogenation and amination were discussed.It was ascertained that triacetoneamine with higher purity would give good results on hydrogenation,amination and seperation of the product.Triacetoneamine recrystallization method using acetone as solvent was established.Thus,the content of triacetoneamine could reach to 986%.The mother liquor could be used for the preparation of triacetoneamine.
1999 Vol. 16 (4): 55-57 [Abstract] ( 1829 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 8 )
58 Development of Li Resources in Qing hai
Zhang Xiaodong
Rich in natural lithium resources,Qinghai province possess broad prospects for explore.This paper provides a way for producing electrolytic metal lithium.
1999 Vol. 16 (4): 58-60 [Abstract] ( 1588 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 7 )
1999 Vol. 16 (4): 61-65 [Abstract] ( 1400 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 9 )
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