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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2007, Vol. 24 Issue (6) :480-484    DOI:
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Relationship Between the Structure and Electrophotoconductive Properties of Triarylamines Hole Transport Materials
BAI Xiang,WANG Shi-rong,LI Xiang-gao,XU Guo-hui(School of Chemical Engineering and Technology,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China)
(School of Chemical Engineering and Technology,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China

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Abstract A phenylenediamine type and five biphenyldiamines type of triarylamine compounds were synthesized.The relationship among the structure,UV and electrophotoconductive properties was discussed through the testing data.The results indicated that the type of the triarylamine,the property,number and locality of the substitutes have influences on the transportation of the carriers.The electron withdrawing groups are in favor of the transportation.
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Received 2007-11-15; published 2007-11-15
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BAI Xiang,WANG Shi-rong,LI Xiang-gao,XU Guo-hui.Relationship Between the Structure and Electrophotoconductive Properties of Triarylamines Hole Transport Materials[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2007,V24(6): 480-484
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