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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2024, Vol. 41 Issue (2) :77-85    DOI: 10.13353/j.issn.1004.9533.20230829
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Characterization of cluster distribution in a high-density circulating fluidized bed based on a time-varying cluster identification threshold
SONG Dashan, LI Zhihui, SU Xin, WANG Chengxiu, LAN Xingying, GAO Jinsen
State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249, China

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Abstract To investigate the characteristics of clusters within a high-density riser, measurements of the transient solids holdup were carried out at different solids circulation rates(Gs=100~1800 kg·m-2·s-1) in an 18 m high circulating fluidized bed riser. Clusters were identified by a time-varying threshold with cluster solids holdup, cluster duration time and cluster velocity. Results indicated that time-averaged solids holdup and cluster characteristics in the high-density circulating fluidized bed were significantly different from those in low-density circulating fluidized bed. At high density conditions, cluster solids holdup was higher up to 0.41. Cluster duration time was up to 5.5 ms. All clusters had a net upward movement with the velocity up to 1.83 m·s-1 at r/R=0.949. Moreover, the axial and radial distribution of the cluster was even at high solids circulation rate with Gs up to 1800 kg·m-2·s-1.
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Articles by authors
SONG Dashan
LI Zhihui
SU Xin
WANG Chengxiu
LAN Xingying
GAO Jinsen
Keywordshigh-density   solids holdup   cluster identification   time varying threshold   cluster distribution     
Received 2023-11-15;
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SONG Dashan, LI Zhihui, SU Xin, WANG Chengxiu, LAN Xingying, GAO Jinsen.Characterization of cluster distribution in a high-density circulating fluidized bed based on a time-varying cluster identification threshold[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2024,V41(2): 77-85
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