Abstract Pinch technology is widely used in analysizing heat exchanger network in petrochemical industry. Based on the basic theory and design principles of the pinch analysis, ethylene heat pump system of largescale ethylene plant was analyzed by Aspen Energy Analyzer. The research including two aspects, one is avoiding heat transfer across the pinch point by adding a heat exchanger; the other is changing operation pressure parameters of the ethylene tower. The result shows that a design process should not pursuit only the minimization of heat transfer crossing the pinch point and low energy consumption, the investment, operation cost and investment recovery period should be considered and the energy consumption could be evaluated economically and reasonably.
About author: 张来勇(1962-),男,教授级高工,现从事乙烯工业方向的研究与工程设计。
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ZHANG Lai-Yong, GUO Xu-Qiang, JIANG Bo, YANG Qing-Lan, SUN Chang-Geng.Analysis of Heat Exchanger Network for Ethylene Heat Pump System[J] Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2014,V31(4): 64-68