Abstract Dividing wall column (DWC) is an energy saving, efficient new separation technology. In this paper, the distillation of thionyl chloride is set as an example. The simulation results of conventional distillation produced by PRO/II software are in good agreement with the actual data in industrial production. Highpurity products can be produced. In the further DWC simulation, the effect of vapor and liquid distribution ratios, reflux rate and the location of side draw on product purity and energy consumption is discussed. The optimum operating conditions are determined that the liquid distribution ratio is 1.4, the vapor distribution ratio is 2, the reflux rate is 17 000 kg/h, the location of side draw is on the 34th tray. The new technology operated in optimal conditions can save energy 25.8% and 17.9% compared with conventional indirect and direct distillation sequence respectively.
About author: 黄国强(1973-),男,江西南昌人,副教授,现从事传质与分离方面的研究。
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HUANG Guo-Qiang, WANG Guo-Feng, WANG Hong-Xing.Simulation of Thionyl Chloride Separation by Dividing Wall Column[J] Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2012,V29(3): 41-45