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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2011, Vol. 28 Issue (6) :31-34    DOI:
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Adsorption Capability of 3-Tetradecyloxy-2-Hydroxy Propyltriethylammonium Chloride on Daqing Oil Sand
 ZHANG  Rong-Ming1, QI   Ying1, LIU  Li-Juan2
1Northeast Petroleum University; 2Daqing Oilfield Company LTD Four Factory Production Geological Brigade

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Abstract People pay more and more attention to quaternary ammonium salt for its good performance. Quaternary ammonium salt has been widely applied in oil field, food and daily chemical field. Capability of static adsorption of TPAC on the surface of Daqing oil sand under formation temperature (45℃) was studied, and the influence of liquidsolid ratio, adsorption time and concentration were discussed. The results show that when the adsorption of TPAC is saturated on the surface of Daqing oil sand: ratio of liquid to solid is 20∶1, concentration is 1.84 mmol/L, adsorption time is 6 h. The absorption isotherms is Sshaped curve. When the concentration becomes 1.10 mmol/L, it can form saturated monolayer adsorption membrane; and when the concentration becomes 1.84 mmol/L, it can form saturated bilayer adsorption membrane with a saturated adsorption quantity of 13.21×10-6  mol/g. The study of the adsorption capacity of quaternary ammonium salt will have a good base for its application in oil field.
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ZHANG Rong-Ming
QI Ying
LIU Li-Juan
About author: 张荣明(1966-),男,辽宁盘锦人,副教授,现从事石油化学方面的教学与科研工作。
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ZHANG Rong-Ming, QI Ying, LIU Li-Juan.Adsorption Capability of 3-Tetradecyloxy-2-Hydroxy Propyltriethylammonium Chloride on Daqing Oil Sand[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2011,V28(6): 31-34
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