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��ѧ��ҵ�빤�� 2002, Vol. 19 Issue (4) :310-315    DOI:
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��������ѧ��ѧ����ϵ,��������ѧ��ѧ����ϵ,��������ѧ��ѧ����ϵ ��������116012 ,��������116012 ,��������116012
A Method for Data Reconciliation Based on MATLAB Optimization Toolbox
DONG Zhi-jun,WANG Shi-guang,YAO Ping-jing (Chemical Engineering Department of Dalian University of Technology,Liaonin Dalian 116012,China,)
(Chemical Engineering Department of Dalian University of Technology,Liaonin Dalian 116012,China,

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ժҪ Ϊ�˽���������ݵIJ�һ������ ,���ڿ��ܵ�����¶�δ����̱������й��� ,���������һ�ֻ���MATLAB�Ż������������Э������ ,�����÷�������������̬�����Թ���ϵͳ������Э���ͱ������ࡣ�����������÷���ʵ�á���Ч��
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Abstract�� To solve the problem of inconsistency in measurements and estimate the unmeasured variables when it is possible,a method which is based on MATLAB optimization toolbox is proposed for data reconciliation in this paper.Two data reconciliation and variables classification examples for steady nonlinear process system are presented to show the efficiency of the technique.
Received 2002-07-15; published 2002-07-15
��־��,������,Ҧƽ��.һ�ֻ���MATLAB�Ż������������Э������[J].  ��ѧ��ҵ�빤��, 2002,19(4): 310-315
DONG Zhi-jun,WANG Shi-guang,YAO Ping-jing .A Method for Data Reconciliation Based on MATLAB Optimization Toolbox[J].  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2002,19(4): 310-315
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