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��ѧ��ҵ�빤�� 2010, Vol. 27 Issue (1) :63-66    DOI:
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Analysis and Solution of High Dust Content in Generation Fume in Catalytic Equipment
GUO Hai-yan(Jinzhou Petrochemical Corporation Ltd., Jinzhou 121001, China)
(Jinzhou Petrochemical Corporation Ltd., Jinzhou 121001, China

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Abstract�� The problem of exceeding standard of dust content in generation fume and failure to long-term running of smoking machine was analyzed for a catalytic equipment in Jinzhou Petrochemical Corporation Ltd. Meanwhile, the third and fourth cyclone systems were rebuilt. The results showed that the equipment consumption and dust concentration in the entrance of smoking machine were declined, and the smoking machine run smoothly.
Received 2010-01-15; published 2010-01-15
������;.�߻�����װ�������۳������ߵ�ԭ���������[J].  ��ѧ��ҵ�빤��, 2010,27(1): 63-66
GUO Hai-yan.Analysis and Solution of High Dust Content in Generation Fume in Catalytic Equipment[J].  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2010,27(1): 63-66
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