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��ѧ��ҵ�빤�� 2010, Vol. 27 Issue (1) :60-62    DOI:
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Measures for Energy-Saving of High-Pressure Melamine Plant
ZHANG Yan-mei~1, ZHANG Hong-feng~2, ZHAO Pei~1, ZHANG Qiu-xiang~1(1.School of Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237,China; 2. Zhong Yuan Dahua Incorp. Lcd, Puyang 475000, China)
(1.School of Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237,China; 2. Zhong Yuan Dahua Incorp. Lcd, Puyang 475000, China

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Abstract�� The high-pressure melamine process from Allied-Eurotecnica were introduced. This paper summarized the process of the melamine plant and energy-saving measures taken in the melamine plants.
Received 2010-01-15; published 2010-01-15
����÷;�ź��;����;������;.dz����ѹ�������谷����װ�õĽ��ܴ�ʩ[J].  ��ѧ��ҵ�빤��, 2010,27(1): 60-62
ZHANG Yan-mei~1, ZHANG Hong-feng~2, ZHAO Pei~1, ZHANG Qiu-xiang~1.Measures for Energy-Saving of High-Pressure Melamine Plant[J].  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2010,27(1): 60-62
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