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化学工业与工程 2023, Vol. 40 Issue (5) :83-93    DOI: 10.13353/j.issn.1004.9533.20210804
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赵旭, 黄成德
天津大学化工学院, 天津 300350
Application of direct ink writing in energy storage devices
ZHAO Xu, HUANG Chengde
School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China

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摘要 3D直书写打印是一种较为理想的电极制造技术,可方便地制造结构复杂、孔隙均匀的储能器件,其在电解质传输、离子渗透等方面具有传统块状材料难以比拟的优势。首先介绍了电化学储能器件的框架结构,然后根据墨水直写技术对于储能器件性能提升的影响重点综述了基于氧化石墨烯、碳纳米管等碳材料、MXene层状材料以及聚合物凝胶墨水种类对于锂电池、镍铁电池、锌-空气电池等电极的制造与改性,并对近期不同材料改性的3D打印的储能器件性能进行了总结,最后对于该技术在应用中的发展前景及挑战提出了展望。
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关键词3D打印   墨水直书写   电化学储能   碳材料   黏合剂     
Abstract: Direct ink writing (DIW), as an ideal electrode manufacturing method, makes it more convenient to fabricate electrochemical energy storage devices (EESDs) with complex structures and uniform pores. Electrodes with 3D structure have better performance than traditional electrodes in electrolyte transport and ion penetration. First, the framework structure of electrochemical energy storage devices is introduced, and then based on the impact of ink direct writing technology on the performance improvement of energy storage devices, a key review is made on carbon materials such as graphene oxide, carbon nanotubes, MXene layered materials, and polymer gels. Ink types are used for the manufacture and modification of electrodes such as lithium batteries, nickel-iron batteries, zinc-air batteries, and a summary of the performance of 3D printed energy storage devices modified by different materials in the near future is made. Finally, an outlook on the future opportunities and challenges for DIW is presented.
Keywords3D printing   direct ink writing   electrochemical energy storge   carbon material   adhesive     
Received 2021-08-19;
Corresponding Authors: 黄成德,副教授,E-mail:cdhuang@tju.edu.cn。     Email: cdhuang@tju.edu.cn
About author: 赵旭(1998-),男,硕士研究生,现从事锂离子电池改性方面研究。
赵旭, 黄成德.3D直书写打印在储能器件中的应用[J].  化学工业与工程, 2023,40(5): 83-93
ZHAO Xu, HUANG Chengde.Application of direct ink writing in energy storage devices[J].  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2023,40(5): 83-93
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