Abstract In recent years, much insight has been got into the chemical Pro-perties of transition-metal sulfides, their structure and their hydro-desulfurization(HDS) behaviour, as well as the interrelationships between these characteristics. The suggested and proved Co-Mo-S structure model of commercial HDS catalysts reveals better under-standing of the active phase and the mechanism in the HDS process. The success in the study of the structure and its HDS activity of Chevrel Compounds has opened up a new way to catalyst optimiza-tion. This paper reviews the recent advances in HDS catalyst rese-arch. A great effort has been made to illustrate the relation between the development of theory and technology, The successful application of two novel techniques MES(Mossbauer emission spectroscopy) and EXAFS(Extended X-ray absorption fine structure) to the study of the HDS catalysts is also described. |