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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2001, Vol. 18 Issue (6) :345-348    DOI:
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Effect of Introducing Boron on the Stability of Polysilicic Acid
LIU Xiao-jun\+1,TIAN Yi-ling\+2,MA Xiao-ou\+3,KANG Si-qi\+3,YU Zun-hong\+1 (1.Institute of Clean Coal Technology ECUST,Shanghai 200237,China; 2.School of Science, Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China; 3.Department of Chemical Engineering,Wuyi Univer
(1.Institute of Clean Coal Technology ECUST,Shanghai 200237,China; 2.School of Science, Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China; 3.Department of Chemical Engineering,Wuyi Unive

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Abstract Effect of introducing boron on the stability of polysilicic acid is investigated in this paper.Its morphology and structure are analyzed by transmission electron microscope and infrared spectrometer.It is found that under strong acid condition,introducing proper amount of boron can increase stability of polysilicic acid.Boron takes part in the polymerization reaction of silicic acid and chages its morphology and structure,consequently delays its further aggregation and increases its stability.
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Received 2001-11-15; published 2001-11-15
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LIU Xiao-jun\+1,TIAN Yi-ling\+2,MA Xiao-ou\+3,KANG Si-qi\+3,YU Zun-hong\+1 .Effect of Introducing Boron on the Stability of Polysilicic Acid[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2001,V18(6): 345-348
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