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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2002, Vol. 19 Issue (2) :172-178    DOI:
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Simulation and Off-Line Optimization of an Acrylonitrile Fluidized Bed Reactor Based on Artificial Neural Networks
LI Wei 1,ZHANG Shu-wei 1,WANG Chang-ying 1,ZHANG Pei-cun 2, YAN Zhong-ming 2,WANG Xiao-dou 2 (1.School of Chemical Engineering,Dalian University of Technology,Liaoning Dalian 116012,China; 2.SINOPEC Qilu Petrochemical Corporation,Shandong Zibo 25
(1.School of Chemical Engineering,Dalian University of Technology,Liaoning Dalian 116012,China; 2.SINOPEC Qilu Petrochemical Corporation,Shandong Zibo 2

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Abstract In this paper,a mathematical model is developed for an industrial acrylonitrile fluidized bed reactor based on artificial neural networks.In order to overcome a local optimal solution,a new algorithm,which combines the perfect characters of both GA(Genetic Algorithms)and GDR(Generalized Delta-Rule) is used to train ANN(Artificial Neural Networks).For the purpose of gaining the global optimal solution,a new algorithm called SM-GA,incorporating the advantages of both SM(Simplex Method) and GA,is proposed and applied to optimize the operating conditions of an acrylonitrile fluidized bed reactor in industry.\;This off-line simulation and optimization of an acrylonitrile fluidized bed reactor makes good bases for the real-time optimization control.
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Received 2002-03-15; published 2002-03-15
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LI Wei 1,ZHANG Shu-wei 1,WANG Chang-ying 1,ZHANG Pei-cun 2, YAN Zhong-ming 2,WANG Xiao-dou 2 .Simulation and Off-Line Optimization of an Acrylonitrile Fluidized Bed Reactor Based on Artificial Neural Networks[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2002,V19(2): 172-178
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