Hydrodynamics of Spout-Fluidized Bed with Draft Tube
LI Bao-xia 1, WANG Shi-cai 1, ZHANG Ji-yu 2 (1.Department of Chemical Engineering of Qingdao University,Shandong Qingdao 266071, China; 2.Department of Chemical Engineering of Fuzhou University,Fujian Fuzhou 350002, China)
(1.Department of Chemical Engineering of Qingdao University,Shandong Qingdao 266071, China; 2.Department of Chemical Engineering of Fuzhou University,Fujian Fuzhou 350002, China
Abstract A 200×50×1 450mm two-dimentional spout-fluidized bed with a central draft tube was used to study the effect of geometry and operating parameters as well as physical properties of material on solids circulation rate. Four different solids and draft tube sizes were used in this study. With increasing gas feed rate,the gap between the draft tube inlet and conical distributor( R ), the draft tube area and the solid circulation rate will be increased. The draft tube hight and the solid partical loading has no effect on solids circulation rate.Two quantitative correlation,derived from the concept of the gravity flow of particals through the gap( R ) and consisting of geometry,operating,as well as material parameter,were proposed for predicting the solids circulation rate and the partical jet hight of this type of bed.
LI Bao-xia 1, WANG Shi-cai 1, ZHANG Ji-yu 2 .Hydrodynamics of Spout-Fluidized Bed with Draft Tube[J] Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2002,V19(5): 349-353