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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2015, Vol. 32 Issue (5) :44-51    DOI: 10.13353/j.issn.1004.9533.2015.05.005
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Characters of Airborne Particular Matter from Vehicular Exhausts and Oil-Powered Boiler Emissions
Fang Dongqing1, Cai Tianqi1, Zhang Yang1,2, Zhang Yuanxun1,2, Zhang Yuanhang3
1. College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;
2. Huairou Eco-Environmental Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 101407, China;
3. College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China

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Particulate organic matter (POM), generated primarily from fossil fuel burning, is an important ingredient in air pollution, significantly impacts on human health, and contributes to haze. In this study, particulate matter (PM) from vehicular exhaust and oil-powered boiler emissions was collected by bench test and dilution tunnel, respectively, then POM was analyzed by GC-MS with pre-column derivatization method. In total, nearly 195 organic species were identified, including hopanoids and steranes, the tracers of combustion of fossil fuels. Our results suggest that the ratio of PYR to BaPYR, as well as the concentrations of COR and BghiP can be used to distinguish between gasoline and diesel powered vehicular emissions. We also found that the emissions of n-alkanes, n-alkanoic acids, n-alkanols and PAHs were similar between oil-power boiler emissions and diesel power vehicular emissions. This finding suggests that recent research may overestimate the source contribution of vehicular emissions by ignoring emissions from oil-powered boilers. Aromatic acids could be used as the tracer of oil-power boiler combustion. The emission factor of vehicle, influenced by its categories, was higher in China than other countries overall. The types of fuel in our study had a large impact on the emission factors of oil-powered boilers. The source profiles of vehicle and oil-powered boiler emissions were built based on discussion above.

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Articles by authors
Fang Dongqing
Cai Tianqi
Zhang Yang
Zhang Yuanxun
Zhang Yuanhang
Keywordsparticulate organic matter;   vehicle;   oil-powered boiler;   tracers;   source profile     
Received 2015-07-01;
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Fang Dongqing, Cai Tianqi, Zhang Yang, Zhang Yuanxun, Zhang Yuanhang.Characters of Airborne Particular Matter from Vehicular Exhausts and Oil-Powered Boiler Emissions[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2015,V32(5): 44-51
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