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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2012, Vol. 29 Issue (3) :56-59    DOI:
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Performance of Vertical Filling Structured Packing
 LI  Xian-Zhou, CHU  Ya-Zhi, WANG  Ling, LIU  Yan, MA  Xiao-Xun
1College of Chemical Engineering,Northwest University;2Xi’an ThreeDimensional Distillation Engineering Co.,Ltd

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Abstract Hydrodynamics performance of vertical filling structured packing in air-water system, and the mass transfer performance in air-water-CO2 system were studied. It was also compared with the flat structured packing under the same experimental conditions. The results showed that,under the same conditions, there was no significant change in pressure drop,but the wall flow and liquid phase of the total height of mass transfer unit of the vertical filling structured packing were average lower of 10.7%, 17.4% respectively, compared with the flat structured packing. The hydrodynamics performance and mass transfer performance of the vertical filling structured packing are better than the ordinary flat structured packing.
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LI Xian-Zhou
CHU Ya-Zhi
MA Xiao-Xun
Keywordspacking   vertical filling   hydrodynamics performance   mass transfer performance     
Received 2011-11-21;
Corresponding Authors: 李仙舟,电话:15289365026,E-mail:lxz_3756@163.com。     Email: lxz_3756@163.com
About author: 李仙舟(1984-),男,甘肃武威人,硕士,现从事塔内件的开发与研究。
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LI Xian-Zhou, CHU Ya-Zhi, WANG Ling, LIU Yan, MA Xiao-Xun.Performance of Vertical Filling Structured Packing[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2012,V29(3): 56-59
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