Abstract With the world energy crisis and the high oil prices, researchers are taking more attention on the bio��ethanol to ethylene process (B.E.T.E). In recent years, the research has been concentrated on the catalyst of the ethanol dehydration. This review summarizes the latest research progress on P modified ZSM-5 catalyst used for the ethanol dehydration. First, it presents an introduction to the P source of modified ZSM-5 catalyst and the reaction mechanism of ethanol dehydration, including unmodified ZSM-5 and P modified ZSM-5 zeolite. Then, the research progress on catalytic effect and catalyst structure of P modified ZSM-5 zeolite are discussed in details, especially the catalyst structures. It is reported that P modified ZSM-5 catalyst could effectively reduce the reaction temperature, improve the hydrothermal stability of the catalyst and the ability to resistant coking, but at present it is still can't accurately describe the microstructure of P modified ZSM-5 zeolite. Finally, research directions are suggested to advance the future work in this field.
About author: �����ȣ�(1987-)��Ů��ɽ���˳��ˣ�˶ʿ�о��������·���ģ���о���
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LI Meng-Meng, DONG Xiu-Qin, YU Ying-Zhe, ZHANG Min-Hua.Advances on P Modified ZSM-5 Catalysts for Ethanol Dehydration[J] Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2011,V28(6): 74-78