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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2011, Vol. 28 Issue (3) :37-40    DOI:
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Determination of CMC of Tween20/40 and Effect of NaCl on Viscosity
WANG Xin-hong, DAI Jing-tao
School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering of Yancheng Teachers University

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Abstract In this paper, by using iodine in the solution as colourdisplay reagent, critical micelle concentration(CMC) of nonionic surfactant Tween20/40  were investigated by ultraviolet absorption spectrophotometry,which were 519×10-5 mol/L and 190×10-5 mol/L,respectively. CMC of surfactants Tween20/40 by viscosity method were 500×10-5 mol/L and 193×10-5 mol/L, and the effect of different NaCl concentrations on CMC and  viscosity were studied.Results showed that CMC determined by spectrophotometric method was closely agreed with that in literature.The solutions relative viscosity has a tendency of droping with increasing NaCl, while CMC values remain unchanged. For constant NaCl, relative viscosity increases at first and then keep constant when CMC is reached.
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Keywordsspectrophotometry   viscosity   critical micelle concentration(CMC)     
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WANG Xin-hong, DAI Jing-tao.Determination of CMC of Tween20/40 and Effect of NaCl on Viscosity[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2011,V28(3): 37-40
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