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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 1995, Vol. 12 Issue (1) :1-6    DOI:
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A Study on Hydrodynamic and Mass Transfer Performances of TGJ Plastic Packing
Li Xiyuan;Jia Shaoyi; Wang Enxiang

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Abstract The hydrodynamic and mass transfer performances of TGJ plastic packing are studied in a φ600mm ID tower with air-NH_3-H_2O system. The geometric characteristics, the factors of flooding point, the factors of pressure drop and mass transfer coefficients of the tower packing are obtained. The results show that the packing has the advantages of great flux,lower pressure drop, uniform gas-lipuid distribution, non-blinding and excellet mass transfer performance.
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Keywordss:packing   hydrodynamic   mass transfer performance     
Received 1995-01-15;
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Li Xiyuan;Jia Shaoyi; Wang Enxiang.A Study on Hydrodynamic and Mass Transfer Performances of TGJ Plastic Packing[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 1995,V12(1): 1-6
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