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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 1999, Vol. 16 Issue (1) :56-59    DOI:
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The Improvement of Liquid Screen Reflux Ratio Regulator
Shang Chen Li Ming

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Abstract The liquid screen reflux ratio regulator was improved.The shape of slit was modified to increase the elasticity of operation.The structure of reflux ratio regulator was ameliorated to make remote control reliable and repair convenient.Moreover,the means of restricting movement of moving frame was adopted to improve the operation safety and reliability of reflux regulator.The experiment data show,after improvement,the production ability of reflux regulator was enlarged,and the operation reproducibility and precision was improved.
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Keywords�� reflux   distillation operation   reflux ratio regulator     
Received 1999-01-15;
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Shang Chen Li Ming .The Improvement of Liquid Screen Reflux Ratio Regulator[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 1999,V16(1): 56-59
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