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化学工业与工程 2024, Vol. 41 Issue (3) :1-10    DOI: 10.13353/j.issn.1004.9533.20220325
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蔺聪福1, 田磊2, 郭强2,3, 杨勇2,3, 冯富祥2, 刘源1
1. 天津大学化工学院, 天津 300350;
2. 中科合成油技术股份有限公司 国家能源煤基液体燃料研发中心, 北京 101407;
3. 中科合成油内蒙古有限公司, 内蒙古 鄂尔多斯 010300
Effect of catalyst hydrogenation ability on asphaltene composition and structure in vacuum residue
LIN Congfu1, TIAN Lei2, GUO Qiang2,3, YANG Yong2,3, FENG Fuxiang2, LIU Yuan1
1. School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China;
2. National Energy Center for Coal to Liquids, Synfuels China Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 101407, China;
3. Synfuels China Technology (Inner Mongolia) Co., Ltd., Inner Mongolia, Ordos 010300, China

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摘要 考察了氧化硅担载铁硫催化剂在浆态床反应器中对Merey减压渣油的转化性能。采用元素分析、GPC、XPS、1H-NMR、FT-IR和XRD等手段研究加氢催化剂对Merey减压渣油中沥青质组成与结构转变的影响,并分析加氢催化剂抑制沥青质生焦转化影响机制。结果表明,随着催化剂加氢能力增强,沥青质组成中w(N)和w(S)不断降低,最容易发生加氢脱硫反应,n(H)/n(C)、平均链长(n)与缩合度参数(HAU/CA)升高,芳香度(fA)、堆叠芳香片层的平均高度(Lc)、芳香片层直径(La)与堆叠芳香片层的平均数量(M)下降。这主要是由于加氢能力强的催化剂可以提供较多氢自由基,使沥青质结构中稠合芳环加氢,以产生较长侧链,长侧链阻碍沥青质形成较大尺寸的纳米聚集体,进而抑制沥青质从油相中析出转化为焦炭。
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关键词沥青质   加氢转化   浆态床     
Abstract: The conversion performance of silica supported iron sulfur catalyst on Merey vacuum residue was evaluated in a slurry bed reactor. The influence of hydrogenation catalysts on the composition and structural transformation of asphaltene in Merey vacuum residue was studied using elemental analysis, GPC, XPS, 1H-NMR, FT-IR, XRD and other methods, and the mechanism of inhibition of asphaltene coking transformation by hydrogenation catalysts was analyzed. The results show that with the increase of catalyst hydrogenation ability, the content of N and S in asphaltenes decreases continuously, and hydrodesulfurization reaction is the easiest to take place, the H/C ratio, the average alkyl chain length (n) and the condensation index (HAU/CA) increase, while the aromaticity index (fA), the average height of the stack of aromatic sheets perpendicular to the plane of the sheet (Lc), the diameter of aromatic sheet (La) and the average number of aromatic sheets (M) decrease. This is mainly due to the fact that catalysts with strong hydrogenation ability can provide more hydrogen free radicals, causing the condensed aromatic rings in the asphaltene structure to undergo hydrogenation, resulting in longer side chains that hinder the formation of larger sized nanoaggregates in asphaltene, thereby inhibiting the precipitation and transformation of asphaltene from the oil phase to coke.
Keywordsasphaltene   hydrogenation conversion   slurry-bed reactor     
Received 2022-04-25;
Corresponding Authors: 冯富祥,工程师,E-mail:fengfuxiang@synfuelschina.com.cn;刘源,教授,E-mail:yuanliu@tju.edu.cn。     Email: fengfuxiang@synfuelschina.com.cn;yuanliu@tju.edu.cn
About author: 蔺聪福(1996-),男,硕士研究生,现从事重质油转化方面的研究。
蔺聪福, 田磊, 郭强, 杨勇, 冯富祥, 刘源.催化剂加氢能力对减压渣油中沥青质组成与结构的影响[J].  化学工业与工程, 2024,41(3): 1-10
LIN Congfu, TIAN Lei, GUO Qiang, YANG Yong, FENG Fuxiang, LIU Yuan.Effect of catalyst hydrogenation ability on asphaltene composition and structure in vacuum residue[J].  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2024,41(3): 1-10
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