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��ѧ��ҵ�빤�� 1996, Vol. 13 Issue (2) :54-60    DOI:
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The Prospect for The Synthesis and Application of Conducting Polymers
Yang Hongxiu; Shi Yuquan
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Abstract�� A relatively detail discussion of properties of conducting polymers and their synthesis methods such as chain and step polymerzation techniques in general, electrochemical synthesis and photochemical synthesis in particular are given. The incorporation of oxidizing or reducing agents������doping agents��into these polymers, types of doping agents used and doping techniques are then given. Finally,the application fields and promises of these new electronic materials are discussed.
Keywords�� s: polymers   conducting polymers   polyacetylene polypyrrole     
Received 1996-04-15;
����㣬ʱ����.����ۺ���ĺϳɺ�Ӧ��ǰ��[J].  ��ѧ��ҵ�빤��, 1996,13(2): 54-60
Yang Hongxiu; Shi Yuquan.The Prospect for The Synthesis and Application of Conducting Polymers[J].  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 1996,13(2): 54-60
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