The freezing point of the system of NaCl+2 Propanol(or 1,2 Propylene glycol、or Glycol)+Water at normal pressure have been determined with the freezing point apparatus. A linear relationship was found between the freezing point and the concentration of the salt at fixed relative composition of the solvents. A linear equation was derived by using thermodynamic theory and the existance of the linear relationship was analyzied with Gibbs phase rule. The effect of NaCl on the structure and property of the mixed solvent have also been discussed.
Liu Wenbin Wang Jianji Zhuo Kelei Lu Jinsuo .Solid-Liquid Equilibrium for NaCl+2 Propanol (or 1,2 Propylene glycol、or Glycol)+Water Systems[J]. Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 1997,14(1): 9-15