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��ѧ��ҵ�빤�� 2003, Vol. 20 Issue (1) :33-38    DOI:
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����ѧ��ѧԺ,����ѧ��ѧԺ,����ѧ��ѧԺ,����ѧ��ѧԺ,����ѧ��ѧԺ ���300072 ,���300072 ,���300072 ,���300072 ,���300072
Properties of Supercritical Water and Its Application
ZHANG Li-li,CHEN Li,ZHAO Xue-feng,YU Jing-lin,TLAN Yi-ling (School of Science,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China)
(School of Science,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China

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Abstract�� This review covers the unusual characteristic including the thermo-physical properties,Hydrogen bonding,ionic product,diffuse coefficient and vlscosity et al of supercritical water(SCW)at high temperatures and pressures. Furthermore,the special properties of supercritical aqueous solution in dielectrlc constant,partial molar volume,solubility and polarity were presented.The applications of SCW in chemical reaction and waste disposal were also introduced.
Received 2003-01-15; published 2003-01-15
������,����,��ѩ��,�ڭZ��,������.���ٽ�ˮ�����Լ�Ӧ��[J].  ��ѧ��ҵ�빤��, 2003,20(1): 33-38
ZHANG Li-li,CHEN Li,ZHAO Xue-feng,YU Jing-lin,TLAN Yi-ling .Properties of Supercritical Water and Its Application[J].  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2003,20(1): 33-38
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