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��ѧ��ҵ�빤�� 2003, Vol. 20 Issue (6) :522-526    DOI:
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����ѧ����ѧԺ,����ѧ����ѧԺ ���300072 ,���300072
Progress of Microorganisms in Bioorganic Fertilizer Production
ZHANG Yi-min,WAN Xian-kai(School of Chemical Engineering,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China)
(School of Chemical Engineering,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China

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Abstract�� Fermentative microorganisms and mixed functional microorganisms are two important microorganisms,which can be used in the production of bioorganic fertilizer extensively.This paper reviews the progress of studies on the use of microorganisms in bioorganic fertilizer production.Because the solid organic waste is complicated,at the same time,the demands of preserving the nutrition and deodorizing are concerned,the fermentative microorganism has developed from single microbe to microorganisms.When we produce the bioorganic fertilizer with the fermented solid organic waste,some functional microbe such as nitrogen-fixing bacteria,phosphate-solubilizing bacteria and so on,can be added into material to meet the functional demands of the fertilizer.The paper points out that the form and function of the microorganisms will develop from singleness to multiformity in future.
Received 2003-11-15; published 2003-11-15
������,���ȿ�.΢�����Ⱥ�������л����Ʊ����о���չ[J].  ��ѧ��ҵ�빤��, 2003,20(6): 522-526
ZHANG Yi-min,WAN Xian-kai.Progress of Microorganisms in Bioorganic Fertilizer Production[J].  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2003,20(6): 522-526
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