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��ѧ��ҵ�빤�� 2003, Vol. 20 Issue (6) :502-505    DOI:
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Application of Coupling Reaction for the Synthesisof Dimethyl Carbonate
TIAN Yi-ling,YU Jing-lin,CHEN Li,ZHAO Xue-feng(School of Science,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China)
(School of Science,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China

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Abstract�� The properties,manufacturing methods and applications of dimethyl carbonate are simply reviewed.By applying function of thermodynamics,The synthesis of dimethyl carbonate(DMC)is discussed.It shows that using coupling reaction is the key to improving the yield of DMC.
Received 2003-11-15; published 2003-11-15
������,�ڭZ��,����,��ѩ��.��Ϸ�Ӧ��̼��������ϳɷ�Ӧ�е�Ӧ��[J].  ��ѧ��ҵ�빤��, 2003,20(6): 502-505
TIAN Yi-ling,YU Jing-lin,CHEN Li,ZHAO Xue-feng.Application of Coupling Reaction for the Synthesisof Dimethyl Carbonate[J].  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2003,20(6): 502-505
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