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化学工业与工程 2024, Vol. 41 Issue (4) :160-168    DOI: 10.13353/j.issn.1004.9533.20220324
化工模拟与计算 最新目录 | 下期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 << | >>
焦博亚1, 郭凯1, 刘辉1, 刘春江1,2, 郑龙云1, 张雅楠1
1. 天津大学化工学院, 天津 300072;
2. 化学工程联合国家重点实验室(天津大学), 天津 300072
Study on the rupture of liquid bridges in liquid-liquid two-phase coaxial flow
JIAO Boya1, GUO Kai1, LIU Hui1, LIU Chunjiang1,2, ZHENG Longyun1, ZHANG Yanan1
1. School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China;
2. State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering (Tianjin University), Tianjin 300072, China

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摘要 液液两相流中分散相在形成主液滴时会产生液桥,液桥断裂后在表面张力的作用下收缩为卫星液滴。卫星液滴的体积通常为主液滴体积的几千分之一,因此卫星液滴的出现会导致液滴的单一分散性变差。通过高速相机记录液桥形成及断裂过程,采用CFD方法计算液滴形成过程中速度场的变化。结果发现当两相黏度比越大时,液桥受到的剪切力越大,液桥的最大长度越小;分散相流量增大也会导致液桥受到的剪切力增大,液桥的最大长度减小。
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关键词液液两相   同轴流   液桥   高速摄像   CFD     
Abstract: Droplet formation is often encountered in many industrial processes and it is widely used in petrochemical, fine chemical, energy, food, biological pharmaceutical, and environmental protection. Compared with the traditional batch production mode, continuous droplet production based on liquid-liquid two-phase flow has simpler operation and higher product benefit, which receives more attentions. In liquid-liquid two-phase flow, a liquid bridge is formed when the dispersed phase forms the main droplet, and the liquid bridge shrinks into satellite droplet after rupture due to the surface tension. The volume of satellite droplet is usually one thousandth of the main droplet, so that the appearance of satellite droplet will lead to poor single dispersion of the droplet. In this paper, the formation and rupture process of the liquid bridge as well as the factors influencing the maximum length of the liquid bridge are studied by experiment and CFD method. A device is built to record the generation of droplets in the liquid-liquid coaxial flow using a high-speed camera. The liquid bridge formation and rupture process is recorded and the maximum liquid bridge length is obtained using the CFD calculation. The results show that the maximum length of the liquid bridge decreases when the capillary number increases. But the capillary number is not the only factor affecting the maximum length of the liquid bridge. It also related to the viscosity ratio of the two phases. When the viscosity ratio of the two phases increases, the shear force of the liquid bridge increases, while the maximum length of the liquid bridge decreases. The rupture process of the liquid bridge is closely related to the variation of velocity around the liquid bridge.
Keywordsliquid-liquid two-phase flow   coaxial flow   liquid bridge   high-speed camera   computational fluid dynamics     
Received 2022-04-20;
Corresponding Authors: 刘辉,讲师,E-mail:hui.liu@tju.edu.cn。     Email: hui.liu@tju.edu.cn
About author: 焦博亚(1996-),女,硕士研究生,现从事化学工程方面的研究。
焦博亚, 郭凯, 刘辉, 刘春江, 郑龙云, 张雅楠.液液两相同轴流液桥断裂过程研究[J].  化学工业与工程, 2024,41(4): 160-168
JIAO Boya, GUO Kai, LIU Hui, LIU Chunjiang, ZHENG Longyun, ZHANG Yanan.Study on the rupture of liquid bridges in liquid-liquid two-phase coaxial flow[J].  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2024,41(4): 160-168
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