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化学工业与工程 2023, Vol. 40 Issue (4) :111-121    DOI: 10.13353/j.issn.1004.9533.20210817
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袁松, 李旻廷, 魏昶, 孙旭, 李兴彬, 邓志敢, 蒋子为
昆明理工大学冶金与能源工程学院, 昆明 650093
Separation behavior of copper and arsenic in acid leaching solution of copper smelting dust
YUAN Song, LI Minting, WEI Chang, SUN Xu, LI Xingbin, DENG Zhigan, JIANG Ziwei
Faculty of Metallurgical and Energy Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650093, China

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摘要 针对铜烟尘酸性浸出液中砷与有价金属分离的难题,采用加压合成臭葱石的方法,实现Cu和As的高效分离以及将砷以臭葱石的形式进行稳定固化的目的。在加压体系下研究了温度、总压和初始pH值对Cu和As的分离效果以及臭葱石合成的影响。结果表明:提高反应温度,有利于Cu和As的分离及合成晶型良好的臭葱石,温度较低时生成铁矾影响臭葱石合成进而影响Cu、As的分离;初始pH值增大,不利于Cu和As的分离,初始pH值越高,体系中的Fe3+越易水解,不利于臭葱石的合成,进而影响Cu和As的分离效率;总压增大,有利于Cu和As分离,不利于臭葱石的稳定固化,氧压过高氧化速率加快,易发生Fe3+水热水解反应,臭葱石形貌由双锥状变为团聚状使其稳定性降低。在初始Fe和As物质的量之比1.2、初始pH值0.4、时间2 h、初始铜离子浓度9 g·L-1、总压0.8 MPa、温度160 ℃的条件下,As和Cu的沉淀率分别为81.57%与12.27%,Cu、As分离系数为76.88,能够高效分离Cu和As,并获得晶态臭葱石。
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关键词铜砷分离   臭葱石   铜烟尘浸出液   加压沉砷     
Abstract: In order to solve the problem of separating arsenic from valuable metals in the acid leaching solution of copper dust, this paper adopts the method of pressure synthesis of scorodite to realize the efficient separation of Cu and As, and stable solidification of arsenic in the form of scorodite. The effects of temperature, total pressure and initial pH on the separation of Cu and As, and the synthesis of scorodite were studied under pressurized system. The results show that increasing the reaction temperature is beneficial to the separation of Cu and As and the synthesis of scorodite with good crystal shape, while the formation of jarosite at lower temperature affects the synthesis of scorodite and the separation of Cu and As. The higher the initial pH value is, the more easily Fe3+ in the system hydrolysis, which is not conducive to the synthesis of scorodite, and further affects the separation efficiency of Cu and As. The increase of total pressure is conducive to the separation of Cu and As, but not conducive to the stable solidification of scorodite. If the oxygen pressure is too high, the oxidation rate is accelerated, and the hydrothermal hydrolysis reaction of Fe3+ is easy to occur. The morphology of scorodite changes from biconical to agglomerate, which reduces its stability. Under the conditions of initial molar ratio of Fe to As of 1.2, initial pH of 0.4, reaction time of 2 h, initial concentration of copper ion of 9 g·L-1, total pressure of 0.8 MPa and temperature of 160 ℃, the precipitation rates of As and Cu are 81.57% and 12.27%, respectively, and the separation coefficient of Cu and As is 76.88, which can effectively separate Cu and As. And the crystalline scorodite was obtained.
Keywordscopper-arsenic separation   scorodite   copper smelting dust leaching solution   removal arsenic by pressure     
Received 2021-09-15;
Corresponding Authors: 李旻廷,副教授,E-mail: liminting@163.com。     Email: liminting@163.com
About author: 袁松(1997-),男,硕士研究生,研究方向:冶金化工。
袁松, 李旻廷, 魏昶, 孙旭, 李兴彬, 邓志敢, 蒋子为.铜冶炼烟尘酸性浸出液中铜、砷分离行为研究[J].  化学工业与工程, 2023,40(4): 111-121
YUAN Song, LI Minting, WEI Chang, SUN Xu, LI Xingbin, DENG Zhigan, JIANG Ziwei.Separation behavior of copper and arsenic in acid leaching solution of copper smelting dust[J].  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2023,40(4): 111-121
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